Questions about Harassment
Harassment can either be physical or mental, direct or indirect. Each type of harassment has its own legal implications. Regardless of whether the harassment is physical or verbal, real world or online, it is usually against the law. Harassment can also be in the form of stalking, which can be a civil as well as a criminal offense depending on your state of residence.
Questions about caregivers' rights
Being a caregiver is often a thankless job. It can have legal implications if you are not legally the guardian of the person you are caring for, if you are caring for the person's monetary assets, or if the person is not proven to be fully incompetent. The legal rights and limitations of a caregiver under each of the above scenarios can lead to a number of important questions.
Questions about Runaways
The laws regarding runaway children vary from state to state. In most cases, reporting a child as a runaway is considered valid if the child is 16 years or younger. Once the child is 17 years or older, the laws can change altogether. The child's age and state of residence can have a bearing on whether the child is legally allowed to leave or considered a runaway. Some of the common questions people have regarding runaways are: At what age is a child a runaway? When can you report a runaway? Is it a violation of family law if you shelter a runaway? There are no simple answers to these questions. Being aware of the statutory provisions of your state regarding runaways is the only way to be sure.
Questions about Adultery and Infidelity
Adultery is considered a crime in some states while other states consider it a misdemeanor. Depending on where you live, the law and implications of adultery can vary. Issues regarding adultery are never simple and usually have nuances that can lead to many questions. The most common among them are: What constitutes adultery? What is the fine for adultery? Can adultery result in incarceration?
Questions about Divorce due to Adultery
Whether adultery and infidelity can be used against someone in a divorce case depends on the state. The law in each state varies. Courts also consider whether there are children involved or not, and the ruling can vary based on these and many other considerations.
Family law spans many issues and aspects of family and inter-personal relationships. The implications of family law can raise many questions. Being aware of the provisions of family law in your state and in your situation is the only way to stay on the right side of the law.
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